Cardiac Effects
Benefits for the Heart
Renew™ ECP therapy provides significant cardiac benefits, supporting heart health and circulation.

After ECP treatment, 71 out of 101 patients showed improvement of ≥1 CCS angina class, and 33 patients improved by ≥2 CCS classes. Patients with ANOCA experienced reduced angina and improved physical capacity.
Reduced Preload:
Decreased ventricular stretching during diastole, easing the heart’s workload.
Lowered Myocardial Oxygen Demand:
Minimises the heart’s oxygen needs for optimal function.
Enhanced Coronary Blood Flow:
Increases blood flow to the heart muscle, improving myocardial perfusion.
Peripheral Effects
Benefits to the Blood Vessels
Renew™ ECP therapy enhances blood vessel health and improves peripheral circulation.
Promotes vasodilation and reduces vascular resistance.
Promotion of Angiogenesis:
Facilitates new blood vessel development, improving tissue perfusion.
Relaxes vascular smooth muscle, enhancing blood flow.
Enhanced Tissue Perfusion:
Improves blood flow to tissues and organs.

Proven Patient Benefits
Real Results: Proven Patient Outcomes
ECP therapy delivers real results, with proven improvements in patient health and quality of life.

Boosts energy levels and reduces fatigue.
Enhanced Activity:
Improves exercise tolerance and reduces myocardial ischemia in coronary artery disease.
Improved Cardiovascular Fitness:
Supports sustained physical activity without symptoms.
Long-Term Benefits:
Provides lasting benefits for up to two years, with repeatable therapy.
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